Mail media


‘You can imagine how much trouble Carton ondulé de France has with the discourse of certain players in the public debate who have an unfortunate tendency to twist the truth when their arguments are fragile. With a single target: paperboard.
The truth is that the recycling rate for paper and cardboard is 89%, rising to 97% for industrial and commercial uses. The efficiency of the cardboard recycling sector puts France 10 years ahead of the European targets. That's a fact.
The truth is that the paper and cardboard packaging industry employs 50,000 people at 650 industrial sites in the heart of France, and its jobs cannot be relocated. Its national and international SMEs and groups generate sales of €12 billion. These are the facts.
Speaking the truth would mean recognising that the industry is a historic player in the circular economy, and that it has never waited for legislation to make a commitment in this area. In thirty years, the paper industry has significantly reduced its environmental footprint, cutting its water consumption by 50% and its water discharges by 75%. 64% of the heat it consumes is of renewable origin. The average weight of corrugated board per m2 has fallen by 15% in 20 years, for the same service. These results are the fruit of constant efforts in research and development, because concern for environmental impact is in the DNA of this industry. Another fact.
Find all this reliable data in the book ‘Réemployer des mots de vérité’. Kareen Desbouis is the General Delegate of Carton Ondulé de France.’

Source : PAP ARGUS N° 54. 20.03.2025

Une augmentation de 4 à 10 % selon les papetiers.


Deux producteurs de papier ont déjà annoncé des hausses de prix sur leurs marchés européens.



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GPV France est fabricant d'enveloppes français depuis 1872.

There is no room for doubt: printed postal mail is and remains a universal medium, still as impactful as ever.


  • 92% of the French read at least one letter per week.
  • Of the 6.7 advertising materials read on average every week, one in two is read in-depth.
  • And among the three addressed letters read on average every week, two out of the three are viewed or read carefully.


Read more!


Source: FEPE NEWS 12 July 2019 The newsletter of the European Envelope Industry


Trois chiffres sur le rapport des Français au papier :



  • 71 % déclarent rester attachés au papier malgré l’omniprésence des écrans et des pratiques qui se digitalisent de plus en plus. Pourtant 44% d’entre eux pensent que le numérique remplacera un jour totalement le papier (vs 26% en 2016).
  • 58 % estiment que la filière papier innove pour proposer et faire adopter des produits de substitution au plastique.  
  • 97 % se déclarent favorables à une déconnexion des écrans, notamment avant le coucher ; ils en profiteraient pour lire (66%), pour discuter en famille (65%) ...   


Culture Papier lance un dialogue sociétal qui aboutira d’ici 12 mois dans un manifeste, prouvant la démarche de progrès et des engagements ambitieux.

Vous souhaitez faire suivre les enjeux à vos contacts RSE ou achats et sur vos réseaux sociaux ?  


*Source Culture Papier, 5e Observatoire.

The myth

Packaging is wasteful and unnecessary.


The fact

Paper-based packaging protects goods, reduces waste and is recyclable.


Learn more, read the booklet

For further facts and figures, you can visit the website of the FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Producteurs d'Enveloppes), August 2016.

The myth

Electronic communication is more environmentally friendly than paper-based communication.


The fact

Electronic communication also has environmental impacts.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Producteurs d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 

The myth

Print and Paper is a wasteful product.


The fact

Paper is one of the most recycled products in the world.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Producteurs d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 

The myth

Only recycled paper should be used.


The fact

Virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests are needed to maintain the paper cycle.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 

The myth

Paper production is a major cause of global greenhouse gas emissions.


The fact

Most of the energy used is renewable and carbon intensity is surprisingly low.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 

The myth

Paper is bad for the environment.


The fact

Paper is one of the few truly sustainable products.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 



The myth

Planted forests are bad for the environment.


The fact

Well-managed planted forests reduce the pressure on natural forests and can provide many other environmental benefits.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 



The myth

Europe's forests decrease.


The fact

European forest coverage is increasing by 1.5 million football pitches every year - an area four times the size of London.


Learn more, read the booklet

Source : la FEPE (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants d'Enveloppes), August 2016. 


Resistance is building up across Europe against forcing citizens into digital communication. This was the central theme at the 59th Congress of the European Federation of Envelope Manufacturers (FEPE), held in Berlin from 15-17 September 2016.

The digital agenda may be spreading ever more rapidly across Europe but campaigns are now cropping up fighting for the citizen’s right to choose how they are contacted – by paper or digitally. FEPE was instrumental in supporting the campaign set-up across Europe and the discussion at the congress revealed the necessity as well as the potential to push the consumer’s right to choose.


  • 81% of UK adults want to choose how they receive their information
  • 60% of Spanish consumers say they want paper invoices as a standard invoicing medium
  • 630,000 Belgian households have been forced into a communication channel.


The FEPE has produced a short video promoting the envelope as a personal, safe and impactful communications channel:


View the video That's me - the ENVELOPE


Feel free to share this video with customers, colleagues and stakeholders!


Find out more about the campaign: FEPE Congress 2016